Ticker: $WORK Policy Id: bbd0ec94cf9ccc1407b3dbc66bfbbff82ea49718ae4e3dceb817125f
$WORK Allocations
The maximum supply of $WORK is set to 300,000,000 with the following distribution :
Allocation | Number of $WORK |
Platform | 88,500,000 |
Token Sales & LP | 73,000,000 |
Staking | 65,000,000 |
Team | 29,050,000 |
Treasury | 10,000,000 |
The biggest portion of $WORK is reserved to fund the many different ways we want the Worked. platform to reward users.
88,500,000 $WORK will be used to incentivise learners, reward creators, fund the different activities, challenges, and more.
78,000,000 $WORK is reserved to fund our NFT's staking platform.
As time goes on we'll progressively lower $WORK emission from staking in order to be more sustainable, we're going with a higher yield at first to reward our early supporters and ensure a nice distribution of the token amongst them.
Last updated